Frequently Asked Questions
I have a continuous dining plan, will I run out of swipes at Dewhurst?
The continuous dining plans allow for unlimited swipes at Dewhurst Dining Hall, you will never run out of swipes.
What is the difference between Gaiter Dollars, and Dining Dollars?
Gaiter Dollars can be used for a large majority of campus services, such as laundry, printing, retail purchases, etc.
Dining Dollars, which are tax free funds associated with the Paterson, Square or Hearty Meal Plans can be used at any Dining Location on campus. They cannot be used for any other campus service.
I want to give input on my on-campus dining experience, who should I contact?
Residence Life and Conference Services manages the Campus Dining Committee. The committee meetings are always open, and it’s a great way to provide input. Email for more information.
Can anyone buy a meal plan?
Any member of the Champlain or the Bishop’s Community can buy a meal plan. Visit Paterson Hall or call ext. 2685.